Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Post!

Gosh, I don't even know how to start this thing.  First off, I'm totally intimidated by anybody and everybody being able to access my word and thoughts as well as our journey.  But in an attempt to keep more than a few people up to speed on our endeavors (we all know that I am not the best at staying in touch!), here we are.  First post.  So far, this morning I've made scones (thank you, spent a lot of time catching up on emails and eyeing our new guide book for Beijing.  Do I dare to look through it, get my hopes up, then dashed when we don't get our visas?  I think I'll dare.  I mean, our stuff is stored in my parents' garage (thanks mom and dad!), our cat has a home and we're down to a car and 3 suitcases.  How could our visas not come?  Doesn't China know that we are ready?

Part of me is so excited for an adventure: new foods, new places, new people and culture.  Another part of me is scared to death that I'll never have a stable home and I'll be moving from place to place till who knows when.  I think that's part of why I haven't gotten rid of all our stuff -- having stuff and a cat keeps me grounded, gives me roots and helps me to establish an idea of home.  And I have Chris.  He's pretty awesome (eye roll permitted)! 

During our last week at camp, Chris had the brainwave that we had to pack for China then.  This was it, our stuff was going straight into storage after camp.  "Yeah, of course I knew that" I responded with a slight eye roll that in fact meant I had no clue and was not planning that far ahead and was freaking out.  So what the heck do you pack, leave behind, store in certain places, and where did my blue shoes go, dang it?!  It's all upside down and topsy turvy right now.  My clothes don't match - I know this is a signature style for me, but it's gotten a little excessive with this new packing job.  There are many apprehensions and doubts, and this adventure will only seem more real when we have our visas in hand.  We're just waiting right now.  Spending time with families, trying to see friends, recovering from camp.  It's all a waiting game.  By the way, do you know how hard it is to plan a hair appointment when you might be leaving the country in a week?!     


  1. Way to go! I am excited to see your blog up and running!

  2. I love and miss you Grace Face :) Your sense of humor is so wonderful <3 Excited for you both! Adventure awaits you!

  3. great to see you have started your blog sweetie!! J'ai hâte de lire toutes tes aventures en chine et de partager tout ça avec toi virtuellement. ;) Je vais prier pour tes visas pour que tu puisses enfin savoir quand vous partirez :)
    Big ((( HUGS ))) and keep up the entries on here --love it!

  4. Oh the echos of my heart.
    I promise to always comment when I read so you know I was the one reading your posts :)
    I hope you don't leave before I get to see you!
