Friday, January 2, 2015

Patterns of Life

Patterns of life when living in the same place two years in a row:

Pumpkin spice lattes in the fall (I know, priorities... am I right?!)

Relearning to cook gluten-free -- I've only tried two pastry recipes so far but shoot, it's all about baby steps

Seasons stay the same: low humidity (no more boob sweat!), haunting grayness and bright leaves, rain, occasional snow, beautiful summers -- spring is the only season we haven't done twice, yet.

Time, space and energy to invest in friendships, new and old

Watching children we know and love grow older and older and become wiser

The sadness brought on with fall grayness, but quiet also to find good things: a small but good lesson we've learned about investing in yourself and God's truth, which is more beneficial than trying to fix others.

Christmas with family and finding new ways to celebrate every year

Finding a church that we feel is like home.  We are trying to reestablish patterns of regularity, maybe we should actually attend more than once a month!  (hey, we're only human)

Writing a new blog entry -- not exactly a pattern but a small victory: I believe it shows that I have found space and confidence to live in the daily life.

Working at the same job two years in a row!  I love my job and my students.  After 6 years of switching jobs every year, it is so odd to not be moving to another school, but so good.  It's also nice that my principal fully supports what I'm doing.

Chris and I growing and becoming more in tune with God and strengthening each other and us.

All this doesn't mean there haven't been hardships, but I am starting to hope that adjusting to new things is not as all consuming as it has been in all the changes of moving and cultural adaptations.  We don't have to try to be chameleons in places and cultures we don't understand.  There is space here to relearn the patterns, go deeper with each shift of life, and learn to love and trust more deeply and more fully.

Here's to 2015.  Have a blessed new year!  


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