Thursday, August 23, 2012

It's getting a bit breezy

We're sitting in the national immigration office right now waiting so that I can apply for my Alien Resident Certificate. Exciting stuff.

Looking outside, it's cloudy and windy this afternoon, foreshadowings of the typhoon that's coming our way. Tis will be our first typhoon, which, if I understand correctly, is basically the same thing as a hurricane, but in the Pacific. Not sure if we should be worried at all. Everyone else seems to be going about business as usual. I think typhoons might be one of those fact-of-life things, like snow in the Midwest or heat waves in the Southwest, all things that Northwesterners are not all that accustomed to. So, I guess we'll just have to wait and find out what it's like.

Here is a satellite image of the typhoon and it's projected path. The center will cross the island near the south, and Taipei is located up at the north end. We'll let you know what it's like.

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